Monday, June 4, 2012


I'm posting this info about mastitis remedies because I keep hearing of friends dealing with it. Mastitis might be the mother of all mothering woes  and the ultimate "It's ok to cry" reason (at least in my book!). I am prone to infections (Had it 3 times with my daughter, and 3 times so far with my son), so I feel for all those who have to deal with it. I obtained this info from Lisa Marasco IBCLC , author of Making More Milk, international speaker , and personal friend (aren't I lucky??).

I've personally tried and recommend
Happy Ducts herbal tincture by Wish Garden (ordered online, tastes NASTY but seems to work)
Castor oil compress
Tumeric spice added to everything
Breastfeeding on hands and knees, or sideways (explained on bottom of the page) to use gravity to help flow.
I also had to pump after feedings, or middle of the nights when I had too much milk, and change breast pads frequently!

Hope this helps!

Mastitis and Plugged Duct Remedies


Mastitis Remedy and Mastitis Compress by Wish Garden

Castor oil compress
·         Warm, moist washcloth folded to appropriate  size...a "glug" of castor oil on that...lay over area...put plastic wrap over that and a heating pad on "low" over that, and let sit 20-30 minutes before nursing or pumping, with massage if possible during milk removal. I find that frequent removal, heat, massage and castor oil packs usually clear a plug in 12-24 hours...even if mom has fever and nausea and redness on the overlying skin. So I do not tend to prescribe antibiotics until trying these measures….It seems that a mom with a "stubborn" plug that has not responded to heat and massage alone will respond to this. Don't know why. -- Kathy Leeper, MD, IBCLC
·         Cold-pressed castor oil on a washable breast pad, placed it over the area, covered it with plastic wrap, and added a hot pack.  Castor oil packs are a remedy given by Edgar Cayce, and the idea is that the castor oil (cold pressed only, found in good health food stores) promotes the body's lymph system to relieve congestion. Christine Northrup, MD. (Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom) recommends the castor oil packs, and gives detailed descriptions on how to use them.  ~Shirley Morris, RN, IBCLC, LMT
·         Soak a cloth, such as a washcloth or diaper with the oil and heat (ie, microwave) until hot through. Wait until cooled to skin tolerance and apply directly, then cover w/ saran wrap and a towel. This will stain, so wear something that you don't really care for. Jennifer Tow, IBCLC, CT, USA

Potato poultice
·         Grate raw, peeled potato and wrap in cheesecloth or another thin cotton cloth. Place over inflamed skin.  Jennifer Tow, IBCLC, CT, USA

·         Take bromelain capsules in between meals three times a day at a dose of 250-500 mg.  The effect is usually rapid, within 12-24 hours but sometimes as quickly as 4 hours. Bromelain (derived from pineapple) is used by the dairy industry for dairy cows that have chronic mastitis, and it helps clear… infections that are causing repeated plugged ducts and stringy milk. ~ Chris Hafner-Eaton


"Jan's Magic Pills" homeopathic remedy
·         Hepar Sulphur 30 C  -- take 3 pellets and dissolve in mouth. 3 hours later take Phytolacca 30 C -- 3 pellets & dissolve in mouth.  3 hours later repeat the Hepar and 3 hours after that repeat the Phytolacca.
The entire process can be repeated x1 if necessary.  Generally isn't. We've used it on a number of mothers w/ intractible or repeated bouts of mastitis, and it always works. ~Jan Barger, RN, MA, IBCLC, RLC

·         10 log(10) CFU of Lactobacillus salivarius CECT5713 and the same quantity of Lactobacillus gasseri CECT5714 for 4 weeks[i]   I decided that I was at the end of my rope & based on recent new studies, decided to try taking a probiotic supplement. I was able to find a capsule called Multidophilus 12 at Henry's that contains L. Salivarius.  I tried finding L. Gasseri but was unable to locate a store that carries it so I thought I'd try just the one with Salivarius.  I started taking 2 capsules each day.  Since then I have not had one bout of mastitis & it's been just about 6 weeks. I want to SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!  ~ a mother 

Could be MRSA- most mastitis is caused by staph aureus, but some are methicillin-resistant so don't clear up on the usual antibiotics. Get milk cultured along with baby's naro-pharynx. There are a number of antibiotics that are suitable for the treatment of MRSA infections. ..In adults, good choices for breastfeeding mothers would be clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (a little slow),  or ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, or levofloxacin. ~ Thomas Hale
If expressed milk turns pink: Could be Serratia marcescens, also requiring different antibiotic than usual.[ii]Get milk cultured along with baby's naropharynx.

RECURRENT PLUGGED DUCTS – in addition to compresses above, can try:

·               2 Tablespoons per day of lecithin granules are recommended, with it taking about one week to help with  recurrent plugged ducts by Star Siegfried.  Can mix into yogurt, take 1T twice daily.
·               4 gelcaps of 21 grain lecithin. The bottle recommends 1 a day but that is just for a supplement. I have mom begin with 4. After a week or so she can see if just 3 will work for her. For some women 3 is enough.
·               For blocked ducts try lecithin 1200g 3-4 times a day.
·               Ruth Lawrence recommends 1 tablespoon or 3-4 gelcaps a day.
·               Serves as "Roto Rooter for the veins" (thanks to a Lactnet from Pat Gima).

Cranberry CapsulesDonna Walls

Tumeric Powder- Stir 1 tsp of turmeric powder into a glass of water and drink.  Seems to work very quickly! If needed, repeat the next day.  Kittie Maxwell

Combo especially useful with nipple Blebs-
·         Magnesium (not cal/mag--just magnesium), homeopathic phytolacca 30c (1 dose every half hour for 6 doses and then stop--for acute condition), lecithin (preferably granules, not capsules) and essential fatty acids (krill oil if not vegetarian, Udo's blend if veg). This is the most effective approach I know of for chronic plugged ducts (assuring, of course that latch is efficient and the baby has no structural problems causing the plugs). –Jennifer Tow

Rachel's Trick:
·         Mother lies on one side, with the problem breast UP.  Baby lies on side next to mother.  Mother rolls over until breast reaches down to baby, and feeds in this position.  This position lets the breast hang free, and straightens out ducts which may get 'kinked' or pressed on in many upright positions, or in side-lying if the affected breast is nearest the mattress. If desired, once milk is flowing, mother can apply gentle pressure over the affected area with the flat of her hand to help that particular area to drain.  It isn't always even necessary.  ~Rachel Myr, midwife, IBCLC

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